Covid Update

FDA approves saliva test –

Rutgers is right in the heart of the issue. Hopefully they can deploy this quick and show its efficacy – decent game changer.

Another study on patients in NY – this one based on 4103 patients – conclusion once again quarantine if old and/or obese.

“In the decision tree for admission, the most important features were age >65 and obesity;..”

Vietnam success story – propaganda? –

“At times Vietnamese responses to the crisis have been severe. Official signs in Ho Chi Minh City warn that those not wearing a face mask who are found to have infected another person with a dangerous disease could face up to 12 years in prison. On March 10, a Vietnamese man was handed a nine-month prison sentence for aggressively refusing to wear a mask.”

“Official statistics show there are currently more than 75,000 people in quarantine or isolation. The country has so far conducted more than 121,000 tests, from which only 260 cases were confirmed.

As yet, there have been no virus-related deaths, and infection rates remain significantly lower than in South Korea, Singapore and even Taiwan – all of which have been widely praised in global media for their effective responses to the pandemic.”

US continues to lead in the death daily category. France, Spain, and Italy all now in the 500’s.

NJ confirmation/tested rate is the highest nearly 50% – still slightly climbing. You can see the second chart below – shows the initial surge of positive for test which shows testing limited to the very sick, but eventually the testing expands somewhat and so far man states have stabilized on the confirmation/tested.

No state has really turned on a 7 day moving avg daily death other than Washington.

Looks like the major European countries who had it bad have turned the corner – but still have others not reach peak UK, India, Brazil, Belgium, Ecuador, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE

Turkey death already at 2494 and accelerating at around 100 deaths a day.

Zoom in of the 7 Day Moving Avg Daily Death