Sunday reporting are the lowest. No country reported deaths over 1000
Brazil at 612 US at 296
Death per capita still low. Calculating the amount confirmed is still subject to debate – as of right now the current fatality rate for the US sits around 5.5%. IF you get confirmed with covid you have a 5.5% chance of dying. However IF more people are actually confirmed (likely) than reported this is where the fatality rate could quickly drop. This is the reason CDC has dropped the fatality rates projected.
MA lead the way in US death at 48. Confirmation are growing as testing grows. As long as they are mild conditions than they should actually drop the fatality rates.
Though Alabama is not really showing up on our county map for concern there are press release indicating concerns –
IF there were such a surge and the system couldn’t handle it – we should see an increase in fatality rates – which are not yet being observed.
Harris County TX fatality rate is dropping over time.
Most countries are declining other than Peru, Pakistan, India