Covid 6/9/20

We have rebuilt the database and are building the views from a new datasource. Some are completed below

The big news making the round is WHO stating that asymptomatic rarely spread the disease. I think it is easier to state they don’t spread the disease as much as one that is symptomatic as there is not much sneezing and coughing etc… However an individual who is asymptomatic that is in a choir group, that goes to bars and restaurants every night and is a big chatter, that works in an enclosed call center with hundreds of people, that commutes in rail and bus and talks a storm up AND ALL THIS WITHOUT A MASK – well I think in that case that person likely to transfer more than a person symptomatic that is staying home…

Interesting AI/Satellite effort to review hospital parking lot traffic to identify potentially when Covid-19 started – based on this analysis back in August 2019 –

“Using images from October 2018, the researchers counted 171 cars in the parking lots at one of Wuhan’s largest hospitals, Tianyou Hospital. Satellite data a year later showed 285 vehicles in the same lots, an increase of 67%, and as much as a 90% increase in traffic during the same time period at other Wuhan hospitals.”

Diet solution for Covid proposed by Dr. Millard D.Collins, Interim Chair and Associate Professor of Family & Community Medicine at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, TN. Meharry is the nation’s oldest historically Black academic health science institution –

“In a recent interview, no lesser nutritional leading light than T. Colin Campbell found that plant-based eating had a "significant" impact on the ability to create antibodies to a virus, in the case of his study it was against Hepatitis B, but he points out that the commonalities in how the body creates antibodies apply to all viruses. “

He is referring to The China Study – which was published in 2005 –

This study made headlines for a bit and then faded as we found drugs we can purchase to continue to consume the way we want to consume. In addition many tried to poke holes into the book from evolutionary discussions to pointing out other diseases.

“The fastest-growing demographic among plant-based eating is, in fact, African Americans, according to a study published earlier this year.”

“we can adopt this lifestyle as a means to improve the co-morbid conditions that may already be present–for e.g. heart disease, lung disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer–thus strengthening ones’ immune system and chances of survival in the event that a person becomes infected.”

“the adoption of a plant-based diet can do wonders to boost the immune system, improve energy, and improve chronic diseases mentioned earlier, thus, it can save lives.”

Of course diet AND exercise is suggested to be able to fight off comorbidities –

Even if you have plaque in your arteries IF you exercise you will live longer than those that don’t exercise and don’t have plaque.

Study the article refers to since I like source documents –

“among patients who had significant atherosclerosis (CAC scores greater than 400), there was a stepwise decrease in mortality risk with increasing levels of reported physical activity. The patients with high CAC scores who reported high physical activity had a measured mortality rate which was similar to that of patients who had low CAC scores but reported only low physical activity over the years of follow-up.”

Chile jumped up into second place in terms of daily death reporting at 627

CA and TX both showing a spike in confirmation yesterday. So far not translating to deaths yet. NY back in the lead at only 43 deaths.

County view we see Cuyahoga Ohio seeing an increase in deaths. Providence Rhode Island is having a spike in confirmations.

Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Chile are still rising on the 7 day MA death chart. Germany is seeing a resurgence to. India, Russaim Saudi Arabia, and Iran are somewhat flattening. US is in a clear trend down.