Covid 9/22/20

Smart people coming together and removing the barrier of middlemen (institutions) to disseminate information – google doc discussing the fact aerosol transmission is the key mechanism of covid and what you can do about it hint: wear the damn mask – lets see how long they let this document live –

Too much to pull out that I would like so enjoy reading it at your leisure – relatively easy read with good diagrams.

Bright note of covid – at some point focuses us to be healthy – and you will get so many additional bonuses to be healthy including living longer just because you telomeres don’t get impacted if you eat healthy –

“Three or more servings of so-called "ultra-processed food" per day doubled the odds that strands of DNA and proteins called telomeres, found on the end of chromosomes, would be shorter compared to people who rarely consumed such foods, scientists reported at the European and International Conference on Obesity.

Short telomeres are a marker of biological ageing at the cellular level, and the study suggests that diet is a factor in driving the cells to age faster.”

2020 is the year of Death for the US

Further examination of CDC weekly death data is quite alarming. The below graph is for all US – the red line is the average deaths for 2014-2019 – the green is the current year – and the light blue is the current year minus John Hopkins Covid Deaths. The second graph below shows gray line which is the difference of the light blue and the red which basically is all the additional deaths above and beyond covid more than the average. I also plot it with the covid JH deaths dark blue. You can see more people are dying of other things AND/OR covid deaths are being underreported – but that would seem highly unlikely at this point given the scrutiny.

So people ARE dying more than usual this year but the squeaky wheel of covid is taking all the attention.

Lets dissect that by the major states of covid plus I added MA – because in that state they actually are showing less death as covid deaths basically is killing off people so that cant die from the usual suspects. NY is interesting to see the surge in deaths came above and beyond covid – perhaps an undercounting back then? Of recent Week 30+ all the states are showing more deaths from non-covid classification. Do we care about lives? We need to figure this out quickly – is it suicides? Delayed cancer treatment? Delayed diagnosis? Accidents? Etc….

US still sub 500 deaths – India on top at 1053 – Argentina second place 429

CA leads at 40

The leading county in death border state county in TX Hidalgo at 30…and a HUGE jump in confirmation in Harris County TX 14129

Big 4 county – Harris with a big jump over 3% confirmed per capita now in Harris County. Currently death is not following therefore fatality rate dropping now under 2%

Not looking good for many European countries – the start of the second wave – a little earlier than I would have imagined. Deaths are rising.