Covid 11/27/20

Great movement in offering a testing to understand your risk to covid –

Look forward to being able to get this test.

“The FDA authorized one of the first Covid-19 tests designed to measure the specific amount of antibodies produced by the body’s immune system after infection or vaccination.

Unlike many previously authorized Covid antibody tests that read a positive or negative, the new test, called COVID-SeroKlir, measures the specific levels of Covid-19 neutralizing antibodies.

Kantaro Biosciences said the test produces accurate positive results 98.8% of the time and accurate negative results 99.6% of the time.”

“the test could be used to determine who already has high levels of neutralizing antibodies due to previous exposure, and may not immediately need the vaccine.”

“The test uses a blood sample and must be processed in a clinical laboratory, but it does not require any proprietary equipment, Kantaro said. It received a CE mark, which indicates approval by European regulators, in October and is in use in the European Union.”

Sad/inconvenient truth – Youth are the big losers in covid –

“While the people at greatest risk of suffering severe cases of Covid-19 are of retirement age, the economic disaster caused by the pandemic disproportionately affects the young. Tilman Kuban, who leads the youth arm of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party, says they are the “triple losers” of the crisis because it’s costing them in terms of education, social opportunities and future government benefits. A look at unemployment rates across Group of Seven economies shows how severely the crisis has hurt 15-24 year olds.”

Somewhat a reprieve US death drop to 1.2K and confirmation 110K

It would seem confirmations in Europe may have reached peak. Deaths will likely continue for a week or two more but should start coming down.

IL leading in confirmation. TX leads in death

LA leads all counties followed by Cook – note TX largest death county still the border county El Paso.

A very dispersive map.