Update on the youth vaccination math – I did err. The denominator is 8.9 million assuming all issues do get reported into VAERS – the table they use ONLY represents the reported incident for
“As of July 16, 2021, approximately 8.9 million U.S. adolescents aged 12–17 years had received Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.* VAERS received 9,246 reports after Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination in this age group; 90.7% of these were for nonserious adverse events and 9.3% were for serious adverse events, including myocarditis (4.3%).”
So now the numbers are more reasonable….serious incident 849/8900000 = 0.01% ….death (2 suicide) 14/8900000= 0.00%
This has no control just a dataset of vaccinated. The death rate to begin with is essentially 0 for this ages group. So now it becomes the fact are you willing to risk a potential serious rection to the vaccine which is 1 in 10,000. Not clear on the longcovid for this age group but certainly something to considered.